李佩雯教授 介紹




Ph.D. in Communication Studies, Ohio University

M.A. in Speech and Interpersonal Communication, New York University







Ph.D. in Communication Studies, Ohio University

M.A. in Speech and Interpersonal Communication, New York University

Associate Professor at LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York (2004-2008)

Adjunct Professor at New York University (2005-2006)

Lecturer at Ohio University (2002-2004)













1.Lee, P.-W. (2006). A new journey at LaGuardia: Teaching as a co-cultural instructor in a diverse classroom. In Transit: The LaGuardia Journal on Teaching and Learning, 2, 25-28.
2.Lee, P.-W. (2006). Bridging cultures: Understanding the construction of relational identity in intercultural friendship.Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 35, 3-22.
3.Lee, P.-W. (2008). Stages and transitions of relational identity formation in intercultural friendship: Implications for Identity Management Theory, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 1, 51-69.
4.Lee, P.-W. & Meyer, M. (2010). “We all have feelings for our girlfriends:” Progressive (?) representations of lesbian lives on the The L Word Sexuality and Culture, 14,234-250.
5.Lee, P.-W. (2010). Friendships after break-ups: Relational maintenance strategies in cross-gender post-dating relationships in Taiwan. Intercultural Communication Studies, 19, 38-53.
6.Lee, P.-W. (2011). Book review: Study on Chinese Communication Behaviors. China Media Research, 7(4): 104-106.
9.李佩雯(2018)。〈從他們回到我們:已出櫃同志與原生家庭之跨群體溝通關係維繫研究〉,《傳播研究與實踐》, 8(1):65-102。(TSSCI)
10.李佩雯(2018)。〈我不是母豬:性別平等教育作為一種說服溝通〉,《性別平等教育季刊》,82:60 – 63。
11.李佩雯(2019)。〈性別平等了沒?異性戀大學生戀愛腳本之初探研究〉,《中華傳播學刊》,35: 89-123。(TSSCI )
12.鄭學鴻 、李佩雯(2020)。〈打破異國戀的單一想像:台灣高教育程度女性與民主化國家白人男性之跨文化親密關係初探 〉,《傳播文化》,20: 38-75。
14.楊豪、李佩雯(2021)。〈異色情/慾:BDSM(皮繩愉虐)實踐者的自我認同建構〉,《性學研究》, 11(2), 1-28。
15.李佩雯(2021)。〈A Body of One’s Own:以溝通理論想像性的積極同意實踐〉,《婦研縱橫》, 114, 23-35。




1. Edwards, A., Lee, P.-W., & Wemm, N. (2002, November). Making a difference: A look at the life and gender scholarship of Patrice Buzzannell. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA., U.S.A.
2. Lee, P.-W. (2003, April). Men and women in the music world: Comparison of top ten pop singles in 1992 and 2001. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Eastern Communication Association, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
3. Lee, P.-W., Torres, M. B., & Hale, C. (2003, November). Communication and relationship tensions and differences in intracultural and intercultural friendships: An exploratory study. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Miami, FL, U.S.A.
4. Lee, P.-W. (2003, November). Baby got back to being independent women: The transformation of feminine identity as represented in the lyrics of American popular music. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Miami, FL, U.S.A.
5. Lee, P.-W. (2004, April). The price of being women politicians: Challenges and media representations of women in politics. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Central States Communication Association, Cleveland, OH, U.S.A.
6. Lee, P.-W. (2004, April). SARS fear: Narrative analysis of newspaper coverage of SARS cases in Taiwan. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Central States Communication Association, Cleveland, OH, U.S.A.
7. Lee, P.-W. (2004, May). From Eurocentrism to a multicultural worldview: Adopting a multicultural perspective in human communication research. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, New Orleans, LA, U.S.A.
8. Lee, P.-W. (2004, November). When misperception comes in between: Teaching communication as co-cultural groups in the U.S. classrooms, panel discussion presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
9. Lee, P.-W. (2005, February). More than girlfriends: Dissecting non-romantic interpersonal relationships in The L Word. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Western States Communication Association, San Francisco, CA., U.S.A.
10. Lee, P.-W. (2005, April). Student anchor: Clarity and voice variation exercise. Panel discussion presented at the annual convention of the Eastern Communication Association, Pittsburgh, PA., U.S.A.
11. Lee, P.-W. (2005, May). Constructing relational identity in intercultural friendships: Identity Management Theory and Third-Culture Building Model re-examined. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, New York, NY, U.S.A.
12. Lee, P.-W. (2006, April). Ice breaker: Combating speech anxiety through writing. Panel discussion presented at the annual convention of the Eastern Communication Association, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.
13. Lee, P.-W., & Meyer, M. (2006, June). “We all have feelings for our girlfriends:” Progressive (?) representations of lesbian lives on The L Word. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany.
14. Lee, P.-W. (2006, June). Bridging cultures: Understanding the construction of relational identity in intercultural friendship. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany.
15. Lee, P.-W. (2006, November). Connecting with American students and colleagues: Strategies for enriching international instructors’ teaching and integration into the academia. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, San Antonio, TX, U.S.A.
16. Lee, P.-W. (2006, November). Defining the phases of relational identity construction in intercultural friendships: Identity Management Theory and Third-Culture Building Model assessed. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, San Antonio, TX, U.S.A.
17. Lee, P.-W. (2007, April). If you were a recruiter: A persuasive group project. Panel discussion presented at the annual convention of the Eastern Communication Association, Providence, RI, U.S.A.
18. Lee, P.-W. (2008, April). “Teaching a Learning Community.” Panel discussion presented at the annual colloquium of the CUNY League of Active Speech Professors, New York, NY, U.S.A.
19. Lee, P.-W. (2008, May). “Who am I?”: Teaching cultural identity in a multicultural urban college. Panel discussion presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada.
20. 李佩雯(2009)。〈教學與學術的結合:教學與學習研究在口語傳播學中的應用與發展〉。中華傳播學會97學年度年會。新竹:玄奘大學。
21. Lee, P.- W. (2009). Friendships after break-ups: Relational maintenance strategies in cross-sex post-dating relationships in Taiwan. The 15th annual conference of International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies in Kumamoto, Japan.
22. Lee, P.- W. (2010). Intercultural Communication Between migrant workers, their Employers, and Their Colleagues in. Taiwan: A Preliminary Study. The 2010 annual conference of International Communication Association in Singapore.
23. 李佩雯 (2010)。〈回台後的口語傳播研究成果與教學心得分享〉。中華傳播學會98學年度年會。嘉義:中正大學。
24. 李佩雯(2011. 5)。〈台灣外籍家事工與雇主之間跨文化溝通行為之研究〉。全球化下的台灣軟實力:媒體產業與跨文化傳播學術研討會。台中:靜宜大學。
25. 李佩雯(2011. 6)。They are not the same: Teaching and advising mandarin speaking non-Taiwanese students in a university context. 第九屆中國跨文化交際國際學術研討會-全球化過程中的跨文化交際:理論與實踐。中國福州:福建師範大學。
26. Lee, P.-W. (2012. 6)。Conflict management between domestic migrant workers and their employers in Taiwan. The 18th International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies IAICS Annual Convention. 台北:元智大學。
27. Lee, P.-W., Torres, B., Hale, C. L. (2012, July). Relational dialectics in intercultural and intracultural friendships: A comparison Study. 超/跨/泛:媒體時代的性別再現與消費體驗學術研討會。台中:靜宜大學。
28. Lee, P.-W.(2013.June). Ingroup versus outgroup: Different perceptions of social identities between students from mainland China and local Taiwanese students. The 2013 annual conference of International Communication Association, UK:London.
29. 李佩雯(2013. 7)。〈兩岸學生之跨文化國族/政治認同協商研究〉。中華傳播學會2013年會:環境變遷下傳媒公共性的反思與挑戰。台北:輔仁大學。
30. Lee, P.-W. (2015. July). The relational maintenance strategies employed by coming out homosexuals and their original family members. The 2015 annual conference of International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies, IAICS , Hong Kong
31. 李佩雯(2016/6)。〈不必出國的跨文化溝通: 教學與學習研究〉。2016中華傳播學會年會Workshop主題: 口語傳播在台灣的教學與實踐。嘉義:中正大學。
32. Lee, P.-W. (2016. July). “Gender Equality, Are We There Yet”: Gender (Equality) Practices in Taiwanese University Students’ Interactions in Intimate Relationships. The 2016 annual conference of International Association of Media and Communication Research, IAMCR, Leicester, UK.
33. 李佩雯(2017/9)。〈性別平等「公私分明?」:大學生親密關係互動中的性別(平等?)實作〉。2017台灣女性學學會年度研討會。台北: 東吳大學。
34. 李佩雯(2017/12)。〈「母豬、ㄈㄈ尺、甲甲」有完沒完:淺談台灣批踢踢網路論壇之性別歧視文化〉。2017第三屆海峽兩岸口語傳播研討會。台北:世新大學。
35. 李佩雯(2018/9)。〈透析直男的約會: 非戀愛關係男性友誼中的男子氣概建構研究〉。2018台灣女性學學會年度研討會。台北: 政治大學。
36. Lee, P.-W. (2020, May). “Unqualified families?”: The co-cultural communication research of same-sex families coping with the external social links in Taiwan. The 2020 annual conference of International Communication Association, Australia: Gold Coast (virtual conference).
37. 李佩雯(2021/9)。〈家,是動詞:台灣育有子女之同志家庭認同建構研究〉。2021年台灣女性學學會年度研討會。台北: 台灣大學。
38. Cheng, H.-H., & Lee, P.-W. (2021, August). Breaking the typical imagination of intercultural romance: A preliminary study of intercultural intimate relationships between highly educated Taiwanese women and white men form democratized countries. The 2020 annual conference of International Association of Relationship Research, UK: London (virtual conference, postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic).
39. 李佩雯、方念萱(2021)。傳播學門的性別教育實施狀況初探。2021女性學學會年度研討會。台北:台灣大學(後改線上舉行)。




1.Hopson, M., Liu, J., & Lee, P.-W. (2003). Addressing communication apprehension. In S. Titsworth & P. Royse (Eds.), Fundamentals of public communication (pp. 93-107). Plymouth, Michigan: Hayden-McNeil.
2. apprehension. In S. Titsworth, P. Royse, & D. Novak (Eds.),Fundamentals of public communication (2nd ed.) (pp. 51-60). Playmouth, Michigan: Hayden McNeil.
3. Hopson, M., Hanaki, T., Liu, J., & Lee, P.-W. (2004). Addressing communication
4. Lee, P.-W. (2005). From Eurocentrism to a multicultural worldview: Adopting a multicultural perspective in human communication research. X. Feng, X. Hu., & J. Malatesha (Eds.), Cross-linguistic/cross-cultural aspects of education and research: Bridging East with West and today with tomorrow (pp. 47-70). People’s Republic of China: The Milky Way Publishing CO.
5. Lee, P.-W. (2007). Studying Human Communication from a Multicultural Perspective: Problems, Challenges, and Suggestions. X. Feng (Ed.), Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Communication (pp. 52-71).People’s Republic of China: The World Chinese Publishing Company.
6. 秦琍琍、李佩雯、蔡鴻濱(2010)。《口語傳播》。 台北:威仕曼文化。
7. 陳國明、肖小穗、韋路、李佩雯、劉雙、李美華(2011)。《傳播理論》。五南圖書出版股份有限公司。
8. Lee, P.-W. (2012). Bridging cultures: Understanding the construction of relational identity in intercultural friendship. In L. Chen (Ed.), Culture, cultures, and intercultural communication: A cross disciplinary reader (p. 646-671). People’s Republic of China: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
9. 李佩雯(2013)。《跨文化溝通與關係維繫》。台北:雙葉書廊。
10. 李佩雯(2018)。〈「母豬、ㄈㄈ尺、甲甲」有完沒完:淺談台灣批踢踢網路論壇之性別歧視文化〉。游梓翔、溫偉群(編),《社群媒體與口語傳播》,頁145-156。台北:五南出版社。
11. 李佩雯(2023)。重構口語傳播公共性:當前公共政策溝通與法律語藝之追探(主編)。《世新大學口語傳播暨社群媒體學系三十週年紀念研討會論文集》。世新大學口語傳播暨社群媒體學系出版。