鄧芝珊助理教授 簡介


2008        Ph.D., The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Degree Awarded in Applied Social Sciences.

Dissertation Topic: “Conditional Spaces and Infinite Possibilities: Hong Kong Lesbians and Urban Spatialities”.


2001        M.A., The University of British Columbia, Canada.

Degree Awarded in Educational Studies.

Recipient of the 1999 Patricia Dyer Memorial Award.


1996        B.A., The University of British Columbia, Canada.

Major in Women’s Studies.


1995        University of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe.

Student in a Travel/Study/Work Placement Program.





性別研究選讀 (選修)






Gender and Sexualities, Queer Theory, Urban Sociology, Film and Independent Media.



10/2007 – Present Assistant Professor, Shih Hsin University 

01/2007 – 06/2007 Part-time Lecturer, The University of Hong Kong SPACE

09/2006 – 06/2007 Part-time Instructor, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology College of Learning

09/2006 – 12/2006 Part-time Demonstrator, The University of Hong Kong

01/2006 – 12/2006 Part-time Lecturer, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Applied Social Sciences.

09/2004 – 12/2004 Part-time Lecturer, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, School of Design, Faculty of Communication.

12/2000 – 05/2003 Director of Community Services, Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center, San Francisco CA, U.S.A.

05/1999 – 11/2000 Skills Development Project Coordinator, Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre, Vancouver B.C., Canada.

09/1997 – 04/1999 Program Coordinator, Asian Society for the Intervention of AIDS (A.S.I.A.) Vancouver B.C., Canada.

06/1996 – 10/1996 Project Coordinator, Asian Pacific AIDS Council, Seattle WA, U.S.A.

10/1995 – 05/1996 Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator, Asian Society for the Intervention of AIDS (A.S.I.A.) Vancouver B.C., Canada.

06/1994 – 10/1995 Community Outreach Worker and Rape Crisis Worker

Women Against Violence Against Women Rape Crisis Centre, Vancouver B.C., Canada.



1. In Press (Spring 2011) Conditional Spaces: Hong Kong Lesbian Desires and Everyday Life. Queer Asia Series, Hong Kong University Press. Series Editors: Dr. Chris Berry, Dr. John Erni, Dr. Peter A. Jackson, Dr. Helen Hok-Sze Leung. 

2. Paper In Progress “Positioning Gender and Sexuality in Classroom: Teaching Gender Studies in Hong Kong and Taiwan”. Book chapter included in Gender and Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press. Co-author with  Kam Yip Lo Lucetta. 

3. Submitted “Conditional Spaces: Hong Kong Women with Lesbian Desires and Everyday Life”. Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique (Special Issue: Queer Routes and Critical Regionalities). Edited by Gayatri Gopinath and Mark Johnson. Duke University Press. (A&HCI) 

4. Paper In Progress “Queering Asian Cultures”. Sociology Compass,  Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 

5. 2010 “Tung Lo Wan: Lesbian Haven and Everyday Life”. Book chapter included in As Normal as Possible: Negotiating Sexualities in Hong Kong and China, University of Hong Kong Press (March 2010). 

6. 2009 〈 不一樣的銅鑼灣 〉 婦研縱橫91台灣大學婦女研究室 (October 2009).

7.“Demand for Cultural Representation: Emerging Independent Film and Video on Lesbian Desires”. Book chapter in Futures of Chinese Cinema:Technologies and Temporalities in Chinese Screen Cultures, Intellect Books (distributed by the University of Chicago Press), (September 2009). 

8. 2007 “The Research Pendulum: Multiple Roles and Responsibilities of a Researcher”.  Journal of Lesbian Studies, Routledge (February 2007). 

9. 2006 “Urban Intimacies in Yau Ching’s Ho Yuk: Let’s Love Hong Kong”. Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University(November 2006). 

10. 2005 “China, LGBT Youth in”. Co-author entry in Youth, Education & Sexualities: An International Encyclopedia, Greenwood Publishing Group, 156 – 160. 

11. Sexual Health, Lesbian and Bisexual”. Youth, Education & Sexualities: An International Encyclopedia, Greenwood Publishing Group, 774 – 778. 

12.“The L Word”. Youth, Education & Sexualities: An International Encyclopedia, Greenwood Publishing Group, 491 – 493. 

13. 1998 “Popular Dialogues of a “Discreet” Nature”. Asian Cinema. 10 (1, Fall 1998) 198-207.



1. 2010 “Branding Satire: Queer Representation in the works of Yuen Pui-Man”. Paper to be presented at The 8th Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Lingnan University, June 17 – 21, Hong Kong.

2. “Show Thy Face! Digital Media and Hong Kong Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Communities”. Paper to be presented at The First International Conference on Queer Diaspora, National Taiwan University, June 11, Taipei, Taiwan.

3. The Girl is Looking: Musings on a Young Girls Po Subjectivity in Zero Chou Mei-Lings Drifting Flowers. Paper to be presented at台灣新銳女導演研討會,世新大學廣播電視電視電影學系, April 15, Taipei, Taiwan.

4. The Potential of Doing Queer Studies in East Asia”. Paper to be presented at The Potential of Doing Queer Studies in Japan, The University of Tokyo, February 22, Tokyo, Japan

5.  2009 “Intimate Strategies: Family Intimacy and Living Spaces among Hong Kong Lesbians and Transgender Persons”. Paper presented at Querying “Marriage and Family Continuum” International Workshop, National Tsing Hua University, December 12, Hsingchu, Taiwan.

6.Conditional Spaces: Hong Kong Women with Lesbian Desires and Everyday Life”. Paper presented at Glocal Imaginaries: Writing/Migration/Place, Lancaster University, September 11, Lancaster, United Kingdom.

7. “Just Click on It: Political Participation and Internet Use among Hong Kong Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Communities”. Paper presented at Inter-Asia Cultural Typhoon 2009, July 5, Tokyo, Japan.

8. “有“價”空間:香港女同志及日常生活”. Paper presented at文化研究學會系列活動【同志研究‧進行式】, April 26, Taipei, Taiwan.

9. 2008 “Conditional Spaces: Hong Kong Lesbians and Urban Spatialities”. Paper presented at 10th International Interdisciplinary Congress of Women / Women’s Worlds 2008, July 3 – 9, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.

10. “有限空間, 無限天地:香港女同志和都市空間”. Paper presented at Seminar on Gender, Hong Kong Institute of Education, January 23, Hong Kong.

11. 2007 “Anxious Tales: Hong Kong Lesbians and Spaces of Everyday Resistance”. Paper presented at Inter-Asia Cultural Society Shanghai Conference, June 15-17, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China.

12. The Research Pendulum: Multiple Roles and Responsibilities of a Researcher”. Paper presented at Bodies and Urban Spaces, March 10, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.

13. 2006 “Demand for Cultural Representation: Emerging Independent Film and Video on Lesbian Desires”. Paper presented at The Future of Chinese Cinema, April 1-2, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

14.2005 “Spaces to be Manouevred: Lesbian Identities and Temporality”. Paper presented at Sexualities, Genders & Rights in Asia: 1st International Conference of Asian Queer Studies, July 7-9, Bangkok, Thailand.

15. Spaces to be Manouevred: Lesbian Identities and Temporality”. Paper presented at Women’s Worlds 2005: 9th International Interdisciplinary Congress on Women, June 19-24, Seoul, Korea. Conference paper included in “The Rise of Young Feminists’ Power in Asia booklet published by Asian Center for Women’s Studies, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea.

16. 2004 “Are We Still Being Counted? The Successes and Challenges of Asian Society for the Intervention of AIDS (Vancouver BC) and Asian & Pacific Islander Wellness Center (San Francisco CA)”. Paper presented at the International Interdisciplinary Conference on Gender, Sexuality and Health, June 10-13, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada.

17. Urban Intimacies in Yau Ching’s Ho Yuk: Let’s Love Hong Kong”. Paper presented at Hong Kong/Hollywood at the Borders: Alternative Perspectives, Alternative Cinemas, April 1-5, The University of Hong Kong.

18. 1998 “Mothering within / as / for / despite / since / against / beyond Colonization”. Paper presented at the North-West Philosophy of Education Conference on Philosophers of Education and the Future of Public Schooling, January 16-17, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada.

19. 1997 “Coming into Gender Consciousness”. Paper presented at The Fifth Biennial Conference, Asian Cinema Studies Society, August 20-24, Trent University, Ontario, Canada.



1.黃亭境 ,〈台灣獨立搖滾樂團中性別角色的壓抑與實踐:以十個女吉他手為例〉。

2.賴政宏,〈 男同志臺北結:非原生臺北之青年男同志對臺北的城市想像、移居期待與其移居的實際處境〉。

3.彭心筠,〈求婚、逼婚,我不「昏」— 女同志面臨結婚壓力的生存策略〉。





1.林紀萱 (2010)誰的性感?誰的美麗?─高跟鞋穿著的身體體現與性別實踐。世新大學性別研究所碩士論文。

2.范軒昂(2008)身世流離:孽子、荒人與孤魂的生命敘事。世新大學社會發展研究所碩士論文。Jessica Shen (2009) “Bad Habits”: Bisexual Practices in Taiwan as Tactics of Sexual Politics. National Central University, Department of English.

3. Lee Wei-Chen, Dawn (2009) Transgender in Wesley Stace’s Misfortune. Shih Hsin University, Graduate Institute of English.





Asian Studies Review

Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Journal

Journal of Lesbian Studies



1. Present   Board Member, Nutongxueshe (Hong Kong SAR).

2. Board Member, Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Film Festival Society.

3. 2008 Board Member, AIDS Concern (Hong Kong SAR).

4. 2005 Festival Director, Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Film and Video Festival 2004 & 2005.

5. Working Group Member, Hong Kong Queer Women Oral History Project.

6. 2001-2003     Steering Committee Member, Asian & Pacific Islander Women’s HIV and AIDS National Network (San Francisco CA).

7. Collaborative Member, Ramen Shots Collaborative, a committee on substance use, domestic violence, HIV/AIDS and youth (San Francisco CA).

8. Regular contributor to AsianWeek Paying Attention column highlighting queer issues in Asian & Pacific Islander communities (San Francisco CA).