蕭宏祺教授 介紹

1.Temple University, PhD (2003) in mass media and communication (USA)
2.Temple University, MA (1998) in broadcasting, telecommunications and mass media (USA)
3.Cambridge University,  Visiting scholar (2016), Department of Sociology; Politics of Beauty ,UK,  2016年英國劍橋大學美麗政治學受邀之駐地東亞學者
4.University of Pennsylvania (Annenberg School of Communication) + Oxford,  Visiting scholar (2013) Media Policy Summer Institute, Representative as a Taiwanese Media 5.Scholar, Oxford University (UK)  2013 賓州大學與牛津大學媒體政策夏日學院唯一受邀之台灣學者

兼任 (Adjunct Faculty)

2.世新大學說服傳播英文碩士學程 (Persuasive Communication)。

3.世新大學性別所Gender Studies Graduate Institute。

研究計劃與獎勵 (Research Grants) 
台灣部分 (Taipei, Taiwan)

1.科技部人文處傳播類103-105年度(二年期)《「想像」的中國,展演「好」聲音:台灣藝人名聲、中國國族論述與歌唱選秀格式跨國改編》(計畫編號:MOST 105-2410-H-128 -020 -MY2)

2.科技部科教處103-105年度(二年期)優秀年輕學者研究計畫補助 : «已讀不回,我心傷悲?:智慧型手機LINE使用者訊息語言文本分析與日常生活實踐研究» (計畫編號: 103-2511-S-128-002-MY2)。

3.國科會人文處102-104年度(二年期)計畫補助 : «八卦醜聞下的家庭認同協商: 同志子女對父母的身份揭露談話分析研究» (計畫編號: 102-2410-H-128-011-MY2) 。










13.世新大學100 年度學術發表創作獎勵。



16.世新大學 99年度學術發表創作獎勵。


18.國科會人文處99-101年度(二年期)計畫補助 :《開場前,票已售罄: 台片發行通路創新與包場文化》(計畫編號: NSC 101-2410-H-128-022-MY2 )。



海外研究獎勵 (USA)

1. 2016,ICA教師組論文首獎,66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA),Session Unit: Language & Social Interaction (語言與社會互動)。Gossip to Bond as a Life-Phase Performance: A Study of Multimodal Texting via Smartphone among Taiwanese College Freshmen. 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA),Session Unit: Language & Social Interaction, Fukuoka, Japan. MOST 103-2511-S-128-002-MY2 支持補助.

2. 2012國際漫畫協會最佳論文獎 (Best Paper Awarded: Caught in an unattainable dream in the neoliberal Taiwan: Unpaid curators in the circuit of cultural reproduction) USA

3.2005教師論文計畫補助 (Faculty research grant) Central Connecticut State University.  New Britain, CT. USA

4.2005教師優秀論文獎勵 (Faculty research paper award) Participating and presenting papers at The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Convention (AEJMC) annual convention. New Britain, CT. USA

5.2003 研究論文首獎, Top Paper, National Communication Association (美國國家傳播研究協會) Panel entitled Chinese culture on the Internet. Association for Chinese Communication Studies. Miami Beach, Florida, USA

6.2002 研究生論文比賽首獎 (2002). First Place Paper Prize, Fourth Annual School of Communication and Theater Graduate Student Research Forum, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA. USA

Journal Articles (英文期刊發表)

1.Shiau, Hong-Chi & Hsiao, Hsiang-wen (2017). In Search of the Missing Puzzle Pieces: A Study of Jimmy Liao’s Public Installation Arts in Taiwan. International Journal of Comic Art, 19(1): p.413-427. (MLA). MOST 105-2410-H-128-020-MY2.

2.Shiau, Hong-Chi (2017). Photograph sharing on social media and intercultural friendships in the US: A perspective from Taiwanese exchange students. International Student Experience Journal (Published by University of Leicester, UK), 5:1; 1-7. MOST 103-2511-S-128-002-MY2. International Student Experience Journal 係由英國 University of Leicester, University of Cambridge, Leeds University 國際學生教育中心針對 學生經驗所出的期刊,為科技部MOST103-2511-S-128-002-MY2補助.

3.Shiau, Hong-Chi. (2016).  Bonding gossip as an identity negotiation life phase: A study of multimodal texting via smartphone among Taiwanese college freshmen, Social Media + Society (ICA Journal, Sage 國際傳播協會期刊)  1­–15, DOI: 10.1177/2056305116677138 sms.sagepub.com (科技部優秀年輕學者補助計畫編號: 103-2511-S-128-002-MY2補助研究出版)

4.Shiau, H. (2016). Fissures in the commercial cinematic space: Screening Taiwanese documentary blockbusters. Cogent Art & Humanities (ESCI indexed) 3:1: DOI:10.1080/23311983.2016.1148656. 該期刊收藏在ESCI (Emerging Social Science Index)等資料庫 (國科會二年計畫編號NSC 101-2410-H-128-022-MY2補助研究出版)

5.Shiau, Hong-Chi (2016). Easily connected but difficult to become intimate?Intercultural friendships on social media among Taiwanese ESL students in the US. Cogent Social Science, p1-15, 該期刊收藏在ESCI (Emerging Social Science Index)等資料庫

6.Shiau, H. (2015). Beyond the cultural dichotomy, what do we share? An ethnographic study of intergenerational smartphone MMS use in sojourning experiences. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication (Scopus, MLA, Ebsco), 25:1, accepted for publication on special issue: Explored but not Assumed Revisiting Commonalities in Asian Pacific Communication (科技部優秀年輕學者補助計畫編號: 103-2511-S-128-002-MY2補助研究出版)

7.Shiau, H. (2015). Lavender Mandarin in the sites of desire: Situating linguistic performances among Taiwanese gay men, Language and Communication (SSCI, IF: 1.067), 42:1-10, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.langcom.2015.01.005 (國科會二年計畫編號102-2410-H-128-011-MY2補助研究出版)

8.Shiau, H. (2014). Guiltless consumption of space as an individualistic pursuit: Mapping out the leisure self at Starbucks in Taiwan, Leisure Studies (SSCI, IF: 1.096), DOI:10.1080/02614367.2014.982690, Published online: 21 Nov 2014.

9.Shiau, H. (2014). Caught in an unattainable dream in the neoliberal Taiwan: Unpaid curators in the circuit of cultural reproduction, International Journal of Comic Art (MLA, Ebsco), 16:2, 481-496. (國際漫畫研究優秀學者獎學金贊助)

10.Shiau, H. (2014). The use of celebrity scandals and sensational news for identity negotiations: Analysing gossips among the queers within Taiwanese Families, Chinese Journal of Communication (SSCI), 7:2, p 230-250. (國科會二年計畫編號102-2410-H-128-011-MY2補助研究出版)

11.Shiau, H. (2013). Very cute but professional too? Cartoon-characters in the Taiwanese health campaigns, International Journal of Comic Art (MLA, Ebsco), 15(2): 602-619 (國際漫畫研究優秀學者獎學金贊助出版)

12.Shiau, H. (2013) Distributing Taiwanese Independent Cinema via Hollywood: Lessons Learned from Cape No 7’s Integrated Marketing Efforts, China Media Research (Ebsco; Scopus), 9: 2, 46-58(國科會二年計畫編號NSC 101-2410-H-128-022-MY2補助研究出版)

13.Shiau, H. (2011). Engaging publics via documentaries: A typological study of advocacy functions among Taiwanese NPOs’ productions, Public Relations Review (SSCI), 37:181-183 (國科會二年計畫編號NSC 101-2410-H-128-022-MY2補助研究出版)

14.Shiau, H. & Avyard, K. (2011). Private sponsorship and independent film exhibition in Taiwan, Australia Media International (SSCI), 138: 123-133 (國科會二年計畫編號NSC 101-2410-H-128-022-MY2補助研究出版)

15.Shiau, H. & Chen, C. (2009). When sissy boys become mainstream: Narrating Asian feminized masculinities in the global age, International Journal of Social Inquiry (Ebsco, Scopus), 2:2, 57-74

16.Shiau. H. (2009). Spectatorships, Pleasures and Social Uses of Cinema: A Study of the Reception of Cape No 7, Asian Cinema, 20:1, 189-201

17.Shiau  H. (2009). Migration, Nostalgia and Identity Negotiation: Teresa Teng and Chinese Diaspora, International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management, 4:2, 263-275, Special Issue on Chinese Recording Industry Publisher: Inderscience

18.Shiau, H & Lin, F. (2009). Have you seen Cape No 7 yet? A Case Study of Word-of-Mouth Marketing Campaign for Cultural Products。影視媒體生態與娛樂經濟研討會手冊,台南崑山科技大學發行,p165-181。

19.Shiau, H. (2008). Revisiting “Bridging or Binding”: Social Capital and the Use of Instant Messages and Blogs, International Journal of Electronic Democracy (IJED) “Democratic Internet – Foundations, Ideas, Approaches, and New Perspectives. 1:1, 85-97

20.Shiau, H., Fang, J. & Lo, H. (2008). Exploring Guanxi and Cultural Barriers within large Chinese Region: A Perspective from Taiwanese SMS Investors in China, International Journal of Chinese Culture and Management (IJCCM), 3:1, pp301-312

21.Lent, J. & Shiau, H. (2008). Seeking inwards, looking outwards: Taiwanese Cartoonists’ quest to transcend Japanese influences, International Journal of Comic Art. (MLA, Scopus) 10:2

22.Shiau. H. (2008). Marketing Boys’ Love: Taiwan’s Independent Film, Eternal Summer, and Its Audiences, Asian Cinema, 19:1 (Spring/Summer 2008) pp157-171

23.Shiau, H. (2008). Performativity, Intertextuality and Identity Politics: An Ethnographic Analysis of Taiwanese Gay Personal Posters, Gender Forum, 10, the article is accessible at http://www.genderforum.uni-koeln.de/language/language.html

24.Shiau, H.  (2007) The glamorous but doomed bamboo forest: The Western de/construction of local memory of the 921 Earthquake in Taiwan, Interstices: Journal of Architecture and Related Arts (Disagreement), 8: p 77-84

25.Shiau, H. (2007). Migration and Identity Negotiation: Exploring East Asian Gay Men’s Fantasy upon James Dean. Americanist – Journal of Warsaw American Studies 24: p85-100

Book (英文學術專書)
Shiau, H. (2009). Animating the Cute, the Mean and the Beautiful – the Taiwan’s Struggles in the Age of Globalization, ISBN: 978-3-639-09397-1, Publisher: VDM, (Verleg Dr. Muller) Germany: Saarbrücken

Book chapters (英文學術書籍章節 

1.Shiau, Hong-Chi & Brian Yecie. (2018) The Co-production of Nuanced Chinese Fantasy: A Case Study of Stephen Chow’s Box-office Success Mermaid. Refashioning Content for the Chinese Media Market. London UK: Rowan and Littlefield. Apr, 2018: chapter 8. (Accepted). MOST 105-2410-H-128-020-MY2. 此專書為討論中國影視合資狀況,本人透過計畫MOST 105-2410-H-128 -020 -MY2專訪上海華誼周星馳投資團隊,主編Michael Keane, Professor of Chinese Media, Curtin University, Australia

2.Hsiao, Hsiang-wen & Shiau, Hong-Chi*. Marketing convenience stores symbolically – A case study of 7-Eleven and its cartoon spokes-character Openchan in Taiwan: A case study of 7-Eleven and its cartoon spokes-character OpenChan in Taiwan. The Role of Language and Symbols in Promotional Strategies and Marketing Schemes. New York: IGI-Global. Mar, 2018: p212-231. 日本東京銀座區電通廣告公司擔任客座專題個案發表OpenChan

3.Hsiao, Hsiang-wen & Shiau, Hong-Chi*. The design and implementation of spokescharacters and e-stickers: a case study of health promotion campaigns in Taiwan. Emerging social changes that result from new communication technologies and new social dynamics (ISBN: 9781535726399 ). Osaka, Japan: The 5th International Social Sciences & Technology Conference Proceedings. Dec, 2017. MOST 105-2140-H-128-020-MY2. 本文為參加The 5th International Social Sciences & Technology Conference之Annual Proceeding .

4.Shiau, Hong-Chi & Hsiao, Hsiang-wen. Unconditional romantic love with a sense of patriotism: a discourse analysis of voice of China and the Chinese potpourri. Emerging social changes that result from new communication technologies and new social dynamics (ISBN: 9781535726399). Osaka, Japan: The 5th International Social Sciences & Technology Conference Year Book Proceeding. Dec, 2017: 123-129. MOST 105-2410-H-128-020-MY2. 本文發表 於研討會,已出conference proceedings 受科技部案105-2410-H-128 -020 -MY2所支持.

5.Shiau, Hong-Chi & Catherine Xiang. Learning English with Texting on Social Media? In Xiang, Catherine (Ed.) The Case of Taiwanese ESL students in the U.S. Cases on Audio-visual Media in Language Education (ISBN: 9781522527244). USA: IGI-Global. Oct, 2017: p240-260. MOST 103-2511-5-128-002-MY2. 主編Xiang, Catherine 為倫敦政經大學教授

6.Shiau, H. (2016).  Chapter 14: Soft, Smooth with Chocolate Abs: Performance of a Korean Masculinity in Taiwanese Men’s Fashion. Routledge Handbook of East Asian Popular Culture ,收錄在 Koichi Iwabuchi (Editor), Chris Berry (Editor), Eva Tsai (Editor),第三部分– Gender, Sexuality and Asian Celebrity,第十四章,Section III — Gender, Sexuality and Asian Celebrity (ISBN: 0415749425). London, UK

7.Shiau, H. (2012) Cultural Consumption and Masculinity: A Case Study of GQ Magazine’s Covers in Taiwan, a book chapter in Fung A. (Ed.) Asian Pop Culture: The Global Cultural (Dis)connection London: Routledge 收錄在香港中文大學馮應謙所編之 Routledge 東亞流行文化系列

8.Shiau, H. (2012). Decadence, nostalgia, the eternal Chinese pop diva: The reception studies of Teresa Teng in Chinese diasporic communities a book chapter in Fitzsimmons & Lent J. (Ed.) Asian Popular Culture, London: Routledge


Shiau, Hong-Chi (2017, May). HONG KONG & MACAU & THE GREATER CHINA: Online around the World: A Geographic Encyclopedia of the Internet, Social Media, and Mobile Apps. 1本書為Laura Steckman  與 Dr. Marilyn Andrews 共編的 ;本人負責Hong Kong and Macau


1.蕭宏祺 (2014) 。《第三章、傳播、符號與語言》,於〈傳播理論〉,政治大學傳播學院出版叢書 (in press)。

2.蕭宏祺 (2013)。書評:自願、無薪而且很快樂 ? 「無領」勞動者的夢醒時分 — 導讀《數位勞動》, <中華傳播學刊> (TSSCI) 。

3.蕭宏祺 (2012) 。我,其實也愛看電視:匯流年代裡的電視文化地位—讀《電視正當化》。<廣播與電視>, 34,p78-84。

4.蕭宏祺 (2012) 。書評:YouTube 的崛起:一個新的公民參與平台?。 <新聞學研究> (TSSCI), 113,p239-252。

5.蕭宏祺 (2011) 。飄浪酷兒公路上的差異美學──《沙漠妖姬》與《窈窕奶爸》中的變裝、變性及其他,<電影欣賞 > 148, p3-6。

6.蕭宏祺 (2011) 。觀影文化與戲院空間專輯,<電影欣賞 > 147, p3-6。

7.蕭宏祺 (2011) 。進入超級影城–與商城相依偎的華麗地景,<電影欣賞 > 147, p7-13。

8.蕭宏祺 (2010) 。視錯覺的亙古纏戀《阿凡達》3D科技創新與市場革命,<電影欣賞 >

9.林富美& 蕭宏祺 (2009)。影劇產業跨界仲介產銷綜效之試析: 以海角七號為例。收錄於《影視媒體生態與娛樂經濟》,台南崑山科技大學發行,p183-207,142,p15-19

10.方之光、林富美、蕭宏祺 (2009)。 〈Engagement Mapping 評估互動行銷,凱絡、微軟尋找新工具〉,《Advertising Industry Development Project》,26-46,經濟部商業司。

11.蕭宏祺 (2009) 。無言的盛夏,永遠的阿姨– 懷念文英 <電影欣賞 > 140,p89-92。

12.蕭宏祺 (2009) 。「混雜」—反思全球化脈絡下的文化邏輯,<新聞學研究>,  100: p202-208。

13.蕭宏祺 (2009)。 凝視柏林阡陌深處的悲働 ─《為愛朗讀》敘事的困局與抉擇,< 戲劇學刊> 10:p247-252。

學術研討會(Conferences and presentations)

1.Shiau, Hong-Chi (2017, Aug). Networked Photographic Repertoire and Capital: Prosumption of Selfies Among Taiwanese Gay Men on Instagram . The Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) 2017 Conference, Chicago August 7-11, USA, Chicago. 本人為唯一作者、通訊作者。

2.Hsiao, Hsiang-Wen & Shiau, Hong-Chi (2017). (2017, Jul). The design and implementation of spokescharacters and e-stickers: a case study of health promotion campaigns in Taiwan,. Association of Teachers and Researchers in Asia the 5th International Social Sciences & Technology Conference, July 7-10, Osaka, Japan . 本人為通訊作者. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. MOST 105-2410-H-128 -020 -MY.

3.Shiau Hong-Chi & Hsiao, Hsiang-Wen (2017). Unconditional romantic love with a sense of patriotism: a discourse analysis of voice of China and the Chinese potpourri, paper presented at . Association of Teachers and Researchers in Asia the 5th International Social Sciences & Technology Conference, July 7-10, , Osaka, Japan. MOST 105-2410-H-128-020-MY2. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 科技部 MOST 105-2410-H-128 -020 –MY2.補助

4.Shiau, Hong-Chi (2016, Jun). Soft with chocolate-abs, and genuinely Asian: A discourse analysis of Korean masculinity in Taiwanese men’s fashion. 66thInternational Communication Association Annual Conference (ICA),Paper Session Unit: Popular Communication, competitive papers , Fukuoka, Japan. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 本人共三篇論文獲ICA錄取,並受邀為Popular communication session 其中一個Panel的主持人。

5.Shiau, Hong-Chi (2016, Jun). Easily connected but difficult to get close: Intercultural friendship on social media among Taiwanese sojourners in the United States. 66th International Communication Association (ICA), Annual Conference, Paper Session Unit: Intercultural Communication , Fukuoka, Japan.MOST 103-2511-S-128-002-MY2. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者 66th International Communication Association, Annual Conference,  Paper Session Unit: Intercultural Communication。

6.Shiau, Hong-Chi (2016, Jun). Gossip to Bond as a Life-Phase Performance: A Study of Multimodal Texting via Smartphone among Taiwanese College Freshmen. 66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association(ICA),Session Unit: Language & Social Interaction, Fukuoka,Japan. MOST 103-2511-S-128-002-MY2. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者. 此為本 人投稿66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association(ICA),Session Unit: Language & Social Interaction。

7.Shiau, Hong-Chi (2016, Feb). Visually elicited small talks on social media: negotiating a mediated self among Taiwanese college freshmen, . 27th Annual Ethnographic & Qualitative Research Conference , Las Vegas, USA, February 1.

8.Shiau, H. (2016).Cross-racial friendship maintenance and sustainability: An Ethnographic study of social use in sojourning experiences, 12th International conference on Environmental, cultural economic and social sustainability, January 21.

9.Shiau, H. (2016).Visually elicited small talks on social media: negotiating a mediated self among Taiwanese college freshmen, 28th Annual Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference (EQRC), February 1.

10.Shiau, H. (2016).Easily connected but difficult to get close: Intercultural friendship on social media among Taiwanese sojourners in the United States, 66th Annual Conference of International Communication Association ICA, June 8.

11.Shiau, H. (2016).Gossip to Bond as a Life-Phase Performance: A Study of Multimodal Texting via Smartphone among Taiwanese College Freshmen, 66 the Annual Conference of International Communication Association ICA, June 9.

12.Shiau, H. (2016).Soft with chocolate-abs, and genuinely Asian: A discourse analysis of Korean masculinity in Taiwanese men’s fashion, 66 the Annual Conference of International Communication Association ICA, June 11.

13.Shiau, H. (2015). Precariousness, gossip and collegiate bonding:  negotiation of identity among freshmen on SMS (Short Messaging Services), 2015 Symposium on Education, Equity and Social Justice, December 21.

14.Shiau, H. (2015). The codes of intimacy between us: A textual analysis of exclusive linguistic performances on smartphone multimedia message service (MMS), Southwest Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association, New Mexico, USA, February 12-14

15.Shiau, H. (2015). Disrupting the heteronormative discourse in Taiwan: An analysis of counternarratives among mothers with gay sons, 27th Annual Ethnographic & Qualitative Research Conference, Las Vegas, USA, February 10, 11.

16.Shiau, H. (2014). Shopping makes me queerific? Identity negotiation for the Taiwanese gay men in the nascent pink economy, 10th Crossroads: Conference on Cultural Studies, Finland: Tampere, July 1-4, 2014.

17.Shiau, H. (2014). Fissures in the Mediascape: Grassroots Distribution and Exhibition of Documentaries in Taiwan, Film and Media: The Fourth Annual London Film and Media Conference, London: UK. June 26-29, 2014.

18.Shiau, H. (2012). Panel Organizer: Mandopop in the Age of Disintermediation: Voices from the Taiwanese Music Industry (在去中介化的年代華語音樂), panel organizer in Inter-Asia Popular Music Studies Conference, June 22-23, Taipei: Taiwan Normal University (台灣師範大學)

19.Shiau, H. (2012). Shih-Hsin’s partnerships with SONY and ROCK music: A pedagogical reflection (世新與索尼、滾石產學的產學合: 一個教育理念的反省), paper accepted by Inter-Asia Popular Music Studies Conference, June 22-23, Taipei: Taiwan Normal University (台灣師範大學)

20.楊宗翰、蕭宏祺 (2012)。《流行音樂新興商業模式:就愛聽現場!音樂展演場地-以Live house為例》,政治大學2012創新研究國際學術研討會。(台北)

21.陳和祺、紀文德 、蕭宏祺 (2012)。《科技創新與採用失敗:我為何退租數位有線電視?》第十三屆科技與管理研討會,華夏技術學院。(台北)

22.Shiau, H. (2012). Private sponsorships and documentary film exhibition in Taiwan, paper presented at Asian Cinema Studies Society Conference, March 17-22, Hong Kong: Hong Kong University (香港大學)

23.林富美、蕭宏祺、方之光 (2011)《學習性協作組織與專管科技平台導入傳媒內容產銷之研究:世新大學傳管系SONY合作案例》,中華傳播學會2011年會,中華傳播學會。

24.Shiau, H. (2010). Healing a sense of loss in Mandarin pop music: Fish Leong and the discourse of self-therapy, Inter-Asia Popular Music Studies Conference, June 22-23, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Chinese University  (香港中文大學)

25.蕭宏祺、林富美 (2009)。《Have you seen Cape No 7? A Case Study of Word-of-Mouth Marketing Campaign for Cultural Products (你”海角” 了嗎? 從海角七號的成功檢視文化商品的口碑行銷)》。 崑山科技大學影視媒體生態與娛樂經濟研討會, May 2009。

26.林富美、 蕭宏祺 (2009)。《影劇產業跨界仲介產銷綜效之試析: 以海角七號為例》。 崑山科技大學影視媒體生態與娛樂經濟研討會, May 2009。

27.Nakamura, Y & Shiau, H. (2009). Travels with a DoyKey in the 21^st Century: Challenges in Translating Classic Literature, paper accepted by the Third Conference of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS). Melbourne in July , 2009 (墨爾本大學、澳洲)

28.Chen, C & Shiau, H (2009). Hegemonic Masculinities Contested:Narrating Feminized Men’s Fashion in the Age of Globalization, paper accepted by Nanhwa University Annual Conference 2009 (台灣嘉義).

29.Shiau, H (2007). Glocalized Pride on the Same Sex Love: A Comparative Symbolic Analysis of the Gay Pride Parade in Taiwan between 2003 and 2006, paper accepted by Media Event,  Globalization, Cultural Changes, Bremen University, July 6- 7, Germany  (布萊梅、德國).

30.Shiau, H. (2007). Framing the Tallest Skyscraper in the World: An Analysis of Local News Coverage of Taipei 101″.Copenhagen 2007 – Fashioning Technology (哥本哈根、丹麥)

期刊審查委員 Journal reviewer

1.中文期刊 (台灣):〈傳播研究與實踐〉2014、〈戲劇學刊〉2013,2009、〈中華傳播學刊〉2013, 2012, 2011、〈廣播與電視〉2012、〈新聞學研究〉2008, 2007

2.中文期刊 (香港):〈傳播與社會學刊〉2013, 2009。

3.英文國際期刊審查:Media, Culture & Society (SSCI) 2012 、Comic Journal 2011、Popular Communication 2011、Gender & Society (SSCI) 2010、Tourism Geographies (SSCI) 2008、World Development (SSCI) 2007


1.博士班口試委員2011 – Tsen Wai Sing (Chinese Unviersity of Hong Kong 香港中文大學)

2.碩士(專)班指導教授2014 – 黃旭鋒、王麟琴、周英亮、蔡宥儒 (in progress) ; 2013 – 吳秀君、林文遠、紀文德、陳和祺、詹妅蓁、楊宗翰 (台藝大廣電所) ; 2012 – 林宣君、王崇倫 (政大國際傳播研究所) ;2009 – 陳啟健 (世新大學新聞所)