李佩雯教授 介紹
Ph.D. in Communication Studies, Ohio University
M.A. in Speech and Interpersonal Communication, New York University
(一) 學術類
1 世新大學口語傳播暨社群媒體系/性別研究所專任教授(2008-2014助理教授;2014-2021副教授;2021迄今教授)
2 《傳播研究與實踐》TSSCI期刊主編(2024.2-迄今)、副主編(2023.8-2024.1)
3 美國紐約市立大學(City University of New York, CUNY)LaGuardia學院人文學系(Humanities Department)專任副教授(2004-2007助理教授;2007-2008副教授)
4 美國紐約大學文化與傳播學系(Culture and Communication Department,後改名Media, Culture, and Communication Department)兼任助理教授(New York University, 2004-2007)
5 美國俄亥俄大學傳播學系(Communication Studies Department)兼任講師(Ohio University, 2002-2004)
6 女性學學會理事(2022-2024)、女性學學會監事(2024-2025)
7 台灣傳播學會理事(2022-2024)
(二) 社會服務類
1 台灣媒體觀察教育基金會董事(2024-迄今)
2 婦女新知基金會副董事長、常務董事、董事(2014-2022)
3 NCC國家通訊傳播委員會專家諮詢委員、公民團體代表(2016-2023)
4 客家電視台新聞自律委員會委員(2022、2023)
5 女學會x鏡好聽Podcast「不只是女性主義」主持人(2022-迄今)
6 女學會x天下獨立評論專欄召集人(2024)
7 台北市社會局x鏡好聽Podcast「你的鏡頭,我的痛—偷拍偷走了什麼」主持人(2022)
Bardhan, S., Chen, Y. W., AlSumait, F. Y., Lee, P. W., & Wang, H. L. (2024). Pluriversal possibilities for the Euro/U.S.-centric intercultural communication field? A review of the Gulf Cooperation Council states and Taiwan. Annals of the International Communication Association, 1–23. https://doi.org/10.1080/23808985.2024.2324153
李佩雯(已接受出版)。〈《反戰聲明》網路媒體投書之對話初探〉, 《傳播文化》。
李佩雯(2023)。〈家,是動詞:育有子女同志家庭對外家庭認同協商研究〉, 《傳播研究與實踐》,13(2):263-301 。
李佩雯(2021)。〈A Body of One’s Own:以溝通理論想像性的積極同意實踐〉,《婦研縱橫》, 114, 23-35。
楊豪、李佩雯(2021)。〈異色情/慾:BDSM(皮繩愉虐)實踐者的自我認同建構〉,《性學研究》, 11(2), 1-28。
鄭學鴻 、李佩雯(2020)。〈打破異國戀的單一想像:台灣高教育程度女性與民主化國家白人男性之跨文化親密關係初探 〉,《傳播文化》,20: 38-75。
李佩雯(2019)。〈性別平等了沒?異性戀大學生戀愛腳本之初探研究〉,《中華傳播學刊》,35: 89-123。(TSSCI )
李佩雯(2018)。〈我不是母豬:性別平等教育作為一種說服溝通〉,《性別平等教育季刊》,82:60 – 63。
李佩雯(2018)。〈從他們回到我們:已出櫃同志與原生家庭之跨群體溝通關係維繫研究〉,《傳播研究與實踐》, 8(1):65-102。(TSSCI)
Lee, P.-W. (2011). Book review: Study on Chinese Communication Behaviors. China Media Research, 7(4): 104-106.
Lee, P.-W. (2010). Friendships after break-ups: Relational maintenance strategies in cross-gender post-dating relationships in Taiwan. Intercultural Communication Studies, 19, 38-53.
Lee, P.-W. & Meyer, M. (2010). “We all have feelings for our girlfriends:” Progressive (?) representations of lesbian lives on the The L Word Sexuality and Culture, 14,234-250.
Lee, P.-W. (2008). Stages and transitions of relational identity formation in intercultural friendship: Implications for Identity Management Theory, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 1, 51-69.
Lee, P.-W. (2006). Bridging cultures: Understanding the construction of relational identity in intercultural friendship.Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 35, 3-22.
Lee, P.-W. (2006). A new journey at LaGuardia: Teaching as a co-cultural instructor in a diverse classroom. In Transit: The LaGuardia Journal on Teaching and Learning, 2, 25-28.
Yang, Y.-Y., & Lee, P.-W. (2024, October). Breaking Up with My KOL: The Dissolution Process of Parasocial Relationships Between Generation Z and Online Influencers’, has been accepted for presentation at The Kyoto Conference on Arts, Media & Culture (KAMC 2024).
李佩雯(2023/6)。〈對話還是神話:對話理論應用於網路平台公共議題討論之初探〉。2023年中華傳播學會年度研討會。台南: 長榮大學。
Cheng, H.-H., & Lee, P.-W. (2021, August). Breaking the typical imagination of intercultural romance: A preliminary study of intercultural intimate relationships between highly educated Taiwanese women and white men form democratized countries. The 2020 annual conference of International Association of Relationship Research, UK: London (virtual conference, postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic).
李佩雯(2021/9)。〈家,是動詞:台灣育有子女之同志家庭認同建構研究〉。2021年台灣女性學學會年度研討會。台北: 台灣大學。
Lee, P.-W. (2020, May). “Unqualified families?”: The co-cultural communication research of same-sex families coping with the external social links in Taiwan. The 2020 annual conference of International Communication Association, Australia: Gold Coast (virtual conference).
李佩雯(2018/9)。〈透析直男的約會: 非戀愛關係男性友誼中的男子氣概建構研究〉。2018台灣女性學學會年度研討會。台北: 政治大學。
李佩雯(2017/9)。〈性別平等「公私分明?」:大學生親密關係互動中的性別(平等?)實作〉。2017台灣女性學學會年度研討會。台北: 東吳大學。
Lee, P.-W. (2016. July). “Gender Equality, Are We There Yet”: Gender (Equality) Practices in Taiwanese University Students’ Interactions in Intimate Relationships. The 2016 annual conference of International Association of Media and Communication Research, IAMCR, Leicester, UK.
李佩雯(2016/6)。〈不必出國的跨文化溝通: 教學與學習研究〉。2016中華傳播學會年會Workshop主題: 口語傳播在台灣的教學與實踐。嘉義:中正大學。
Lee, P.-W. (2015. July). The relational maintenance strategies employed by coming out homosexuals and their original family members. The 2015 annual conference of International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies, IAICS , Hong Kong
李佩雯(2013. 7)。〈兩岸學生之跨文化國族/政治認同協商研究〉。中華傳播學會2013年會:環境變遷下傳媒公共性的反思與挑戰。台北:輔仁大學。
Lee, P.-W.(2013.June). Ingroup versus outgroup: Different perceptions of social identities between students from mainland China and local Taiwanese students. The 2013 annual conference of International Communication Association, UK:London.
Lee, P.-W., Torres, B., Hale, C. L. (2012, July). Relational dialectics in intercultural and intracultural friendships: A comparison Study. 超/跨/泛:媒體時代的性別再現與消費體驗學術研討會。台中:靜宜大學。
Lee, P.-W. (2012. 6)。Conflict management between domestic migrant workers and their employers in Taiwan. The 18th International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies IAICS Annual Convention. 台北:元智大學。
李佩雯(2011. 6)。They are not the same: Teaching and advising mandarin speaking non-Taiwanese students in a university context. 第九屆中國跨文化交際國際學術研討會-全球化過程中的跨文化交際:理論與實踐。中國福州:福建師範大學。
李佩雯(2011. 5)。〈台灣外籍家事工與雇主之間跨文化溝通行為之研究〉。全球化下的台灣軟實力:媒體產業與跨文化傳播學術研討會。台中:靜宜大學。
李佩雯 (2010)。〈回台後的口語傳播研究成果與教學心得分享〉。中華傳播學會98學年度年會。嘉義:中正大學。
Lee, P.- W. (2010). Intercultural Communication Between migrant workers, their Employers, and Their Colleagues in. Taiwan: A Preliminary Study. The 2010 annual conference of International Communication Association in Singapore.
Lee, P.- W. (2009). Friendships after break-ups: Relational maintenance strategies in cross-sex post-dating relationships in Taiwan. The 15th annual conference of International Association of Intercultural Communication Studies in Kumamoto, Japan.
Lee, P.-W. (2008, May). “Who am I?”: Teaching cultural identity in a multicultural urban college. Panel discussion presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada.
Lee, P.-W. (2008, April). “Teaching a Learning Community.” Panel discussion presented at the annual colloquium of the CUNY League of Active Speech Professors, New York, NY, U.S.A.
Lee, P.-W. (2007, April). If you were a recruiter: A persuasive group project. Panel discussion presented at the annual convention of the Eastern Communication Association, Providence, RI, U.S.A.
Lee, P.-W. (2006, November). Defining the phases of relational identity construction in intercultural friendships: Identity Management Theory and Third-Culture Building Model assessed. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, San Antonio, TX, U.S.A.
Lee, P.-W. (2006, November). Connecting with American students and colleagues: Strategies for enriching international instructors’ teaching and integration into the academia. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, San Antonio, TX, U.S.A.
Lee, P.-W. (2006, June). Bridging cultures: Understanding the construction of relational identity in intercultural friendship. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany.
Lee, P.-W., & Meyer, M. (2006, June). “We all have feelings for our girlfriends:” Progressive (?) representations of lesbian lives on The L Word. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany.
Lee, P.-W. (2006, April). Ice breaker: Combating speech anxiety through writing. Panel discussion presented at the annual convention of the Eastern Communication Association, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.
Lee, P.-W. (2005, May). Constructing relational identity in intercultural friendships: Identity Management Theory and Third-Culture Building Model re-examined. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, New York, NY, U.S.A.
Lee, P.-W. (2005, April). Student anchor: Clarity and voice variation exercise. Panel discussion presented at the annual convention of the Eastern Communication Association, Pittsburgh, PA., U.S.A.
Lee, P.-W. (2005, February). More than girlfriends: Dissecting non-romantic interpersonal relationships in The L Word. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Western States Communication Association, San Francisco, CA., U.S.A.
Lee, P.-W. (2004, November). When misperception comes in between: Teaching communication as co-cultural groups in the U.S. classrooms, panel discussion presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
Lee, P.-W. (2004, May). From Eurocentrism to a multicultural worldview: Adopting a multicultural perspective in human communication research. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, New Orleans, LA, U.S.A.
Lee, P.-W. (2004, April). SARS fear: Narrative analysis of newspaper coverage of SARS cases in Taiwan. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Central States Communication Association, Cleveland, OH, U.S.A.
Lee, P.-W. (2004, April). The price of being women politicians: Challenges and media representations of women in politics. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Central States Communication Association, Cleveland, OH, U.S.A.
Lee, P.-W. (2003, November). Baby got back to being independent women: The transformation of feminine identity as represented in the lyrics of American popular music. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Miami, FL, U.S.A.
Lee, P.-W., Torres, M. B., & Hale, C. (2003, November). Communication and relationship tensions and differences in intracultural and intercultural friendships: An exploratory study. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Miami, FL, U.S.A.
Lee, P.-W. (2003, April). Men and women in the music world: Comparison of top ten pop singles in 1992 and 2001. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Eastern Communication Association, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
Edwards, A., Lee, P.-W., & Wemm, N. (2002, November). Making a difference: A look at the life and gender scholarship of Patrice Buzzannell. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA., U.S.A.
Lee, P.-W. (2012). Bridging cultures: Understanding the construction of relational identity in intercultural friendship. In L. Chen (Ed.), Culture, cultures, and intercultural communication: A cross disciplinary reader (p. 646-671). People’s Republic of China: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press.
秦琍琍、李佩雯、蔡鴻濱(2010)。口語傳播。 台北:威仕曼文化。
Lee, P.-W. (2007). Studying Human Communication from a Multicultural Perspective: Problems, Challenges, and Suggestions. X. Feng (Ed.), Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Communication (pp. 52-71).People’s Republic of China: The World Chinese Publishing Company.
Lee, P.-W. (2005). From Eurocentrism to a multicultural worldview: Adopting a multicultural perspective in human communication research. X. Feng, X. Hu., & J. Malatesha (Eds.), Cross-linguistic/cross-cultural aspects of education and research: Bridging East with West and today with tomorrow (pp. 47-70). People’s Republic of China: The Milky Way Publishing CO.
Hopson, M., Hanaki, T., Liu, J., & Lee, P.-W. (2004). Addressing communication
apprehension. In S. Titsworth, P. Royse, & D. Novak (Eds.),Fundamentals of public communication (2nd ed.) (pp. 51-60). Playmouth, Michigan: Hayden McNeil.
Hopson, M., Liu, J., & Lee, P.-W. (2003). Addressing communication apprehension. In S. Titsworth & P. Royse (Eds.), Fundamentals of public communication (pp. 93-107). Plymouth, Michigan: Hayden-McNeil.
李佩雯(113.08.01-115.07.31)。〈愛情不承諾?:Z世代數位親密關係的想像與轉型〉(L06)。國科會研究計劃案MOST 113-2629-H-128 -001-MY2。
李佩雯 (107.08.01-109.07.31)。〈「不夠格家庭?」:台灣同志家庭與子女教育現場之共文化溝通研究〉。科技部研究計畫案MOST 107-2629-H-128-001-MY2。
李佩雯 (105.10.11-105.06.30)。〈透視直男的約會:非戀愛關係男性友誼互動初探型研究〉。105學年度世新大學學術研究專案計畫P10603。
李佩雯 (104.08.01-105.07.31)。〈性別平等「公私分明」?: 大學生親密關係互動中的性別(平等?)實作〉。科技部研究計畫案MOST 104-2410-H-128-018。
李佩雯 (103.08.01-104.07.31)。〈已現身同志與原生家庭之關係維繫策略研究〉。103學年度世新大學學術研究專案計畫P10305。